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What’s new…

Well now then, let’s see. It’s been months since I’ve posted ‘news’ from my world. Getting to finally introduce Vicky and Troy last week was lovely, and yes, they’re an important part of my writing life, but other stuff is pretty important too, such as…

I’m teaching less this year. Down from 0.7FTE to 0.6FTE. It feels weird, and Hubby and I have certainly noticed the back pocket is a LOT lighter now, but – on the upside, it’s leaving more time for me to get stuck into this writing thing that I’m falling more in love with. So that’s pretty… ummm… wonderful! 😀

I’ve also started learning harp. Which I thought wouldn’t be *too* hard – seeing as I’m a Music teacher an’ all – but boy was I wrong! Getting the technique right is painful!!! (Both on my self-esteem and my thumbs. I never realised just how much harp strings take it out on your thumbs.) So that’s a bit of fun, and in two lessons I’ve learned six notes. Wow. That’s humbling. Just six. Thumb and two fingers on each hand. Uh huh. That’s all.

So yes, that’s new. And having my eldest in her final year of Primary School is a bit of a major emotional milestone, too. She’s the school’s Music Captain too, so insert proud Mummy faces here. I’m so incredibly stoked about *that* one! Now for her to live up to the job…

And finally, in writing news, I’ve been vacillating between finishing the mess that is GUARDIAN (a Christian novel for 10-11 year olds) or editing the adventure for 7 – 8 year olds that is JUSTINE BROWNING AND THE BIRTHDAY PRESENT. Both have strengths and weaknesses. And I know I need to focus on just one of them, and get it finished and off through the query process; but I don’t know which I should complete first! JUSTINE BROWNING has less work… but GUARDIAN is what I’m feeling that I *should* be writing…

Anyway, it’ll all pan out in the end, I’m guessing.

So yeh, that’s where I’m at. How about you?

Have a fantastic day!

— KRidwyn