Scribblings teaching Work Writing

Flash fiction – 4 prompt words

Last term, I started a “Writer’s Group” at my school. Interested students – only girls so far! – meet each morning and practise various activities to improve their writing skills.

One such activity was “write a 100-word flash fiction story which must include random prompt words”. My favourite story used the words: Fate; Find; Potential; Fiendish. Below is what I came up with:

It’s fate, I knew it! Jane thought. I knew I’d find him – the stars aligned perfectly this month!

She stared dreamily out the window, remembering last night. Their eyes had met across the crowded bar. Excusing himself from his friends, he’d moved toward her, his eyes – mesmerising! – locked with hers. Other girls, appraising his potential, tried flirting as he passed; he ignored them. He only had eyes for her! And they had a tete-a-tete tonight!

Ma cherie, he murmured into her neck later that evening. Her eyes closed, she didn’t notice his enlarged canines behind his fiendish smile.

I quite liked writing it! Never written a vampire character before. I’m thinking it’s all the manga I’ve been reading for work this year…

Anyway, here’s wishing you a story-filled day today yourself, dear Reader!

  • KRidwyn



Random thoughts Work Writing


I thought I might try this again today. Reacquaint myself with my blog, with the whole process of writing-and-sharing which hasn’t happened in… well… quite some time now.

I’m healthy, and have been all year. Riddled with guilt for being so healthy, when so many aren’t. But as a teacher, I’ve been run off my feet. How much of ‘not blogging’ is due to the former; how much to the latter? Who knows. And does it matter anyway?

Well, I’m trying again. Blogging regularly. Not sure if it’ll be weekly or – gasp! – daily. The worst that can happen? It doesn’t last. My pride cops another dent. Sigh. But no real biggie. On the flip-side, perhaps I can make blogging into a habit again. I like that idea. And I’ve noticed I’m always happiest when I’m writing.

So. Here goes. All things going well, I’ll see you again soon dear Reader! Until then, keep safe and well…

– KRidwyn

#blogjune Blogging challenges Reading Writing

#blogJune day16

Recently I’ve been re-reading Eoin Colfer’s ARTEMIS FOWL series. Wow, but they’re good!

Now, Disney released the Artemis Fowl movie late last week. I don’t have Disney Plus, so can’t watch it. And I was spitting chips because even Dame Judy Dench is in it! Although numbers of reviews I’ve read today were in shock at how butchered the storyline was, so perhaps it’s a blessing in disguise?

Anyway, here’s wishing you a butcher-free day today, dear Reader!

  • KRidwyn
#blogjune places to visit Reading teaching Technology Work Writing

#blogJune day11

One thing I’ve noticed about me recently- my eyesight is SHOCKING! I think I’ve just been doing so much staring at computer screens, I’ve done irreversible damage. Which is sad.

On the up-side, these glasses I bought at Rainbow Beach a few years ago might look a little strange (I think the orange-and-blue colour scheme screams ‘$15 chemist-bought reading glasses) but they’re SO easy to read with and they don’t cause headaches 🙂

Plus, I really rather like the colour orange!

Have a blessed day yourself, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

Random thoughts Writing


Six weeks ago or thereabouts, I posted how ecstatic I was that the ‘human encroachment’ into my favourite writing place had been dismantled and removed. The beauty of the natural environment would get the opportunity to restore itself! I was so happy!

I guess it wasn’t destined to last. This was what greeted me the other day:


Here’s hoping you have a more successful week, retaining the beauty you’re wishing for in your life, dear Reader.

– KRidwyn

momentous events Random thoughts Writing


I’d been saddened over the last couple of years at noticing human encroachment (ie litter and worse) at my favourite writing spot. I’d even given up going there… for months.

Imagine my surprise when this greeted me the other day:

Evidence of humanity’s more disgusting habits: gone!

I like it when things go well.

Have a beautiful week yourself, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn



Meet Xaf.

She’s the dragon keeping me company while I write.

Cute, yes? I think so! She always makes me smile 🙂

Have a smile-y week yourself, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

momentous events my novel-in-progress Writing


It’s been four years in the making. But the Repressed Races series has come to…


And now: to edit. Sigh.

Have a week full of closure yourself, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn

my novel-in-progress Random thoughts Writing


I’ve decided, instead of New Year’s resolutions for 2019, to try implementing two pieces of advice I’ve been given in the past several years.

The first was from a nurse helping me through depression following the birth of child number 2. Her piece of advice (among many others, most of which I use regularly) was to have realistic expectations – for myself, as well as for others. That’s a tricky one for me – but one I’m going to try to remember in 2019.

The second was a few years ago, from New York literary agent extraordinaire, Janet Reid. She wrote a blogpost responding to a question I’d sent her; the gist of her answer was for me ‘to focus’. Again, something which is going to require more than a little training, for those of you who know me IRL… but something that’s worthwhile, I think.

So in 2019 I plan to ‘focus’ on my writing. The novel-in-progress, that is, not my blog. Hence the plan to post photos each week. Starting with this:


The view from one of my early-morning writing spots. Peaceful. Quiet.

Amazing, hey!

Anyway, here’s wishing you a wonderful week, dear Reader 🙂

– KRidwyn

Reading Review Writing

On re-reading

I’m re-reading my all-time-favourite novel again at the moment: THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO by Alexandre Dumas. I’m not entirely sure why I love it so much, just that I do. And each time I read it, I find more and more to love.

Take, for example, this segment:

“The two friends sat down to dinner; but as they were eating, Albert could not refrain from pointing out the marked difference between the respective merits of Signor Pastrini’s cook and the one employed by the Count of Monte Cristo; and indeed, honesty obliged Franz to confess, despite the reservations he still seemed to have on the subject of the count, that the comparison was not to the advantage of Signor Pastrini’s chef.” (p. 401)

and this, four pages later:

“The two friends did not presume to repay the count for the luncheon he had given them: it would have been poor jest to offer him, in exchange for his excellent table, the very mediocre fare that made up Signor Pastrini’s table d’hote. They said as much openly and he accepted their excuses with evident appreciation of their thoughtfulness.” (p. 405)

What gorgeous writing! Wouldn’t you agree? That first sentence, in particular, is 73 words long!!!

And have a fantastic, literary week yourself, dear Reader!

– KRidwyn