Random thoughts Technology University studies Work


So I’m feeling in a festive mood this morning. If you asked me how I was, I’d smile and say pretty good, thank you! And I’d be happy. Because I’m happy about a lot of things in my life right now. I’m happy for:

My God

My husband

My three gorgeous children

My job


My house, with its awesome views out to the Glasshouse Mountains (the photo above is what I see when I look over my front gate).

My friends

My parents

Good schools for my children and an excellent speech therapist for Mr 3.

Friends online, and tools such as Facebook and Twitter to meet with them there.

Tools such as email and WordPress, Google Drive and DropBox, HootSuite and IFTTT, which make life so much easier.

The fact that I’m 3/4 of the way through my M.IT.

And, of course, hands-free and that little microphone button on my WordPress iPhone app so that I can blog while my hands are busy doing other things!

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